The Gavel Product Liability Defense Group™

This Group is comprised of one Group Leader and two Co-Chairs, all attorneys selected from law firm members of The Gavel.

The purpose of the Group is:

(1) To provide in-person education sessions for claims and risk professionals at insurance companies, and TPAs

(2) To deliver webinars for the Insurance industry & risk professionals with virtual education and networking opportunities

(3) To report feedback and updates to The Gavel about specific needs in the industry
Marty Pujolar - Group Leader
Forsberg & Umlauf, P.S.

Paul Michienzie
Luks Santaniello Petrillo Cohen & Peterfriend

Bob Veon
McDonald Veon

Interested in more information or joining this board? Contact our CEO, Pamela Pettus directly at 561-419-7500 or via email at