Specialists are some of the most well-respected neutrals known for their delivery of objective, valid, and scientifically reliable opinions.
They are selected based on their education, experience, qualifications, and reputation. They are not charged a fee to be included in the network.

S and D Investigations, LLC

Steve Young

Oklahoma City
Office Phone: 405.415.5738
Email: sanddinvestigations@gmail.com
V Card

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Field Investigator, CONTEGO SERVICES GROUP (Contractor)
Responsible for AOE-COE Work Comp investigations in OK and AR with and without surveillance operations, subrogation investigations, alive and well Investigations, fatality investigations, both vehicular and non-vehicular, scene investigations and aircraft crash investigations from Work Comp perspective

Special Investigations Unit Investigator, TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMPANIES
Responsible for claim investigations in OK, TX Panhandle, Southern KS and Western AR. Conducted investigations in all coverage lines including property, work comp, general liability, auto theft, commercial/personal auto liability; arson and fatality incidents. Worked with local, State and Federal law enforcement agencies for assistance in prosecutorial efforts. Conducted subrogation investigations for major personal injury incidents.

Independent Insurance Agent/Agency Co-Owner, Central Insurance Agency, Inc.
Responsible for providing appropriate coverage for personal and commercial lines of business for homes, autos, building, work comp, commercial auto, general liability and marine applications

SR Branch Manager, C-E Natco, Combustion Engineering
Responsible for branch operations in the West Texas area for engineering, sales, servicing and after installation consulting of oil and gas production equipment

Sr Police Officer, Oklahoma City Police Department
Responsible for enforcement of local, State and Federal statutes and prosecution of all suspects. Thoroughly familiar with street patrol tactics, follow up field investigations, report writing, courtroom testifying and K-9 operations

Owner, S and D Investigations, LLC, Oklahoma City, OK, OK License #15UP169312


  • Central State College/Oklahoma State University
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