Fowler Hirtzel McNulty Spaulding, LLC
Phone: 215.789.4848
Fax: 215.987.2269
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Better, Faster Resolutions.
We started Fowler Hirtzel McNulty & Spaulding because we felt the traditional legal model was broken. We wanted to approach our matters in a different way, and to relate to our clients’ businesses from their perspective. We do not think that terms like business partnership and teamwork should be clichés.
At FHMS, we focus on moving each matter to resolution at the earliest practical opportunity, whether by risk transfer, trial, dispositive motion, Alternative Dispute Resolution or direct negotiation with the opposition. Our approach is dependent on the facts of each case and the goals of our client. Our lawyers view discovery as a toolbox and not a checklist. We find the issues in dispute and address them. For examples of case resolutions, click here or go to the Resolutions page.
We are committed to sharing data with our business partners. We collect data on file cycle time, fees, costs and indemnity. We sort the data by type of case and injury severity. We want to know what worked… and what didn’t. Our goal is simple… Better/Faster.
We have implemented a quality program in which one of our senior trial counsel reviews each case with the handling attorney 30 days after the file opens. A discussion is held about resolution strategies that make sense for that case. The strategy is then reviewed again at 90 days and subsequently as the file progress dictates. Our senior counsel answers to our clients, not to our partners.
We recognize that the best pre-trial resolutions are driven by firms with the capacity to try the most difficult cases. Our lawyers have shown that ability in catastrophic cases across Pennsylvania and New Jersey.