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Major Larry Paul Owen

Larry Owen

Office Phone: 405.833.4796
Email: intech@hughes.net
V Card

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Practice Areas

  • Accident Reconstruction
  • Trucking Reconstruction
I have reconstructed approximately 2800 motor vehicle collisions since 1974. Some have been as a result of my duties with the Oklahoma Highway Patrol; however, most have been as a private consultant to various law firms and insurance companies across the country. I have reconstructed collisions in Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Arkansas, Texas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia, Iowa, New York, Arizona, Louisiana, and New Mexico. I have been qualified as an expert witness in both State and Federal courts. I have provided testimony both by deposition and at trial on motor vehicle dynamics, damage and injury relationship, conspicuity, traffic engineering, time and distance, line of sight, highway signing and maintenance, CDR analysis, State and Federal regulations concerning motor carriers, railroad grade crossing regulations, human behavior, product liability issues and product warning labels. Product liability issues have dealt with the crash worthiness of motor vehicles, seatbelts, child passenger restraints, brake systems, tires, suspension systems, fuel tanks, lights, seats, axles, roof crush, door latches and adequacy of product warning labels.

During the years in an enforcement assignment with the Sapulpa Police Department, the 501st and 256th Military Police Companies and the Oklahoma Highway Patrol I investigated approximately 1000 motor vehicle collisions as the primary investigator or supervisor in charge of collision investigation. From 1974 to present I have taught in the areas of Motor Vehicle Dynamics, Accident Reconstruction, Uniform Traffic Code, Road Block Procedures, Emergency Vehicle Operations, Arrest Procedures, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, and Officer Survival. As Legislative Liaison Officer for the Department of Public Safety it was my responsibility to formulate and carry through the legislative process, legislation to implement federal regulations concerning: Motor Carrier Safety Act, Transportation of Hazardous Materials, Commercial Driver License Act, Mandatory Seatbelt Law, Mandatory Child Passenger Restraint Law, and Administrative Per Se Law for DUI enforcement

Specialized Training:

Basic Police School...University of Oklahoma - Norman, OK 1963, Advanced Training Military Police School. ..Ft. Gordon, Georgia 1965, Oklahoma Highway Patrol Academy...Oklahoma City, OK 1968, Breathalyzer Training ...University of Oklahoma - Norman, OK 1969, Northwestern Traffic lnstitute...Northwestern University - Evanston, IL 1971, Video pre and post production - Oklahoma City, OK 1972, First Responder Medical Training - Oklahoma City, OK 1974, FBI National Academy...Quantico, VA 1979, Various two day to one week courses in subject areas of Criminal and Traffic, including commercial motor vehicle collision investigation, motorcycle collision investigation, narrow object impact investigation, defective tire investigation, speed from vector analysis, bulb and filament examination and motor vehicle dynamics from NUTI and IPTM.

Work Experience:

Communication Officer Sapulpa Police Department 1961-1963 General communication duties

Police Officer Sapulpa Police Department 1963 Patrol duty, general criminal and traffic enforcement, and accident investigation

Corporal Sapulpa Police Department 1964-1965 Shift supervisor, accident investigation and reconstruction

Private 1st Class United States Army 1966 Assigned 3rd Corp. 4th Army Fort Hood, TX. Provided general military police services, general criminal and traffic patrol duties, accident investigation and reconstruction specialist

Specialist 4 United States Army 1966 In charge of Accident Investigation Section for Fort Hood. Responsible for review and coordination of accident investigation and reconstruction activities involving military personnel in central Texas

Sergeant E-5 United States Army 1967 256th Garrison Military Police Unit as patrol shift supervisor Fort Hood. Provided accident investigation and reconstruction training for the 518th Military Police Battalion

Trooper Oklahoma Highway Patrol 1968-1972 Traffic Enforcement Assignment Payne and Noble Counties. General Criminal and Traffic Enforcement Duties, Accident Investigation

Trooper Oklahoma Highway Patrol 1972 Training Officer provided training in Accident Investigation and Reconstruction to Oklahoma Highway Patrol Cadets, Municipal Police Officers and County Sheriff personnel.

2nd Lieutenant Oklahoma Highway Patrol 1973 Highway Patrol Academy Commandant responsible for all training provided through the Highway Patrol Academy both cadet and in-service. Special area of instruction Accident Investigation and Reconstruction

1st Lieutenant Oklahoma Highway Patrol 1974-1978 Director of Training Oklahoma Highway Patrol responsible for coordination of all training provided to Department of Public Safety personnel. Special training area Motor Vehicle Dynamics and Accident Reconstruction. Responsible to the Commissioner's Office for reconstructing serious motor vehicle collisions within the State. Captain Oklahoma Highway Patrol 1979-1988 Administrative Assistant to the Commissioner of Public Safety and Legislative Liaison Officer for the Department to the State Legislature. Responsible for providing information to the Legislature concerning legislation that affects law enforcement and public safety. Training responsibility continued in Motor Vehicle Dynamics and Accident Reconstruction. I coordinated with Department of Transportation Traffic Engineering concerning construction zone signage and work zone speed enforcement. Motor carrier size and weights enforcement on the state road system. Major Oklahoma Highway Patrol 1988-1991 Performing same duties as Captain's duties with the additional responsibility of acting Commissioner or Assistant Commissioner of Public Safety.


  • Associate degree of applied science Oklahoma State University

Personal/Civil Memberships

  • American Trauma Society Oklahoma Division (past president)
  • FBI National Academy Associates
  • Certified member of National Association Professional Accident Reconstruction Specialists since 1992 Certificate number 34119
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