Specialists are some of the most well-respected neutrals known for their delivery of objective, valid, and scientifically reliable opinions.
They are selected based on their education, experience, qualifications, and reputation. They are not charged a fee to be included in the network.


Mike Heglin

Office Phone: 800.693.1999
Cell Phone: 402.650.7181
Email: mike.heglin@americlaim.com
V Card

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Mike is the current owner of the Omaha Nebraska and Lincoln Nebraska branches of AmeriClaim. Mike has extensive claims experience in all lines and phases of transportation claims including liability, cargo, physical damage, environmental and general / premises liability matters. Mike's experience includes large exposure cases on both the property and casualty sides including catastrophic casualty claims.

Mike has worked for Milwaukee and Unitrin Insurance Companies, and on the self-insured side with a trucking company. Mike was the Vice President of a Transportation TPA for 6 years.

Mike, while employed with a trucking company, responded to over 100 catastrophic accidents for his employer. Mike's experience included depositions, trial testimony, mediations and accident investigation.

Mike founded ACM Claims Service Inc. in 1997 which merged with AmeriClaim in 2011. AmeriClaim has 150 offices throughout the United States with a sister company AmeriRisk which handles London and off-shore programs for physical damage, cargo and auto liability. Current clients include insurance companies, self-insured risks and retentions, TPA's, and claims administrators.

Mike has previously held adjusters licenses in 17 states along with his AIC designation. Mike is an active member of the Trucking Industry Defense Association, Nebraska Trucking Association, Iowa Motor Carriers Association and Arkansas Trucking Association. A native of Yankton South Dakota, Mike is a graduate of the University of South Dakota.


  • University of South Dakota
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