Specialists are some of the most well-respected neutrals known for their delivery of objective, valid, and scientifically reliable opinions.
They are selected based on their education, experience, qualifications, and reputation. They are not charged a fee to be included in the network.

Global Investigative Services, Inc.

Phone: 866.342.5745
Fax: 516.827.1911
998C Country Road
Plainview, NY 11803
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998C Country Road
Plainview NY
Phone: 516.369.7303
Email: bnewman@gisinc.us

Firm Information

At GIS we are committed to providing our clients with the necessary tools to make critical business decisions. GIS offers a wide-range of services to assist clients across a variety industries, including Insurance, financial institutions, law firms, non-profits, as well as corporate and government entities. Whether directing a complex corporate investigation, or probing a large misappropriation of funds case, or performing due diligence for a private equity firm prior to making a significant investment, we partner with clients to develop a comprehensive investigative plan that aligns with their unique circumstances. We take great pride in keeping our clients and their needs as the primary focus. We personalize each assignment to provide in-depth insight and information. Our comprehensive selection of services can be combined in any number of ways to provide clients with a well-rounded, thorough investigation, in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Protecting sensitive information throughout an engagement is one of the most important elements of a successful partnership with our clients. GIS Investigations professionals always exercise the utmost discretion and maintain the strictest confidentiality in handling all client information. Our investigations are always conducted in compliance with existing federal, state and county laws.