Kalbaugh Pfund & Messersmith, P.C.
Phone: 804.320.6300
Fax: 804.320.6312
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Firm Information
KPM Law has been with you for more than 30 years. Our job is to make yours more manageable. Our team brings to every case our collective experience, the knowledge amassed over decades of negotiations, mediations, settlements and trials, so that we can resolve cases within the limits of the contract and the law.
KPM Law is a mid-Atlantic litigation defense firm located among four mid-Atlantic offices. Just a few of our practice areas include commercial claims such as trucking, para-transit/non-emergent medical transportation, premises, product liability, general liability, retail/restaurant and workers' compensation claims, as well as coverage matters and the defense of homeowner and personal auto claims. We handle cases throughout Virginia and other states, and we affiliate with other firms along the eastern seaboard for an even broader reach to better serve our clients' needs. Our goal is to help our clients achieve optimum results and reach their goals in the most efficient and cost-effective way possible.
At KPM Law, we don't believe in an attorney-client relationship; we believe in an attorney-client partnership.